October 10, 2019

Passion Merging

Passion Merging

A personal retrospect of super hobbies

Like many people, I have lots of what I would consider hobbies. Such as listening to music and podcasts, watching product reviews (aka unboxing) on YouTube to name a just a few. Lately, I have been finding myself putting these together to enhance my life. Originally, this was not done with any special purpose, it just happened. For Example, I became a runner this year, I Know, what did you go and do that for. If you are not a runner (like I wasn’t) it seems silly to exert so much energy just to end up back where you started, you don’t win anything running by yourself. I did find a real cause for my running other than the obvious reasons. I also like tech toys, like smart watches and headphones. So, I run with a smartwatch listening to music and track the miles with MapMyRun. I soon realized that I had lots of data to play with to learn more about my workouts to see if I was getting better. I used my visualization tools to create dashboards with Tableau Desktop. I can see how I am doing and get to practice techniques on my own project. I have shared this viz on public.tableau.com. Check it out and leave a comment if you wish.

I also started to teach myself to draw/sketch. I realized that knowing how to draw is quite helpful when designing UI for my dashboard work. Its also fun to shop and buy supplies, there are so many types of pencils and sketchbooks out there. I always had an affection for mechanical pencils, now I have three.

So the lesson here is to have fun and do fun things and you’re life will be rewarded.


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